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Surprising Sources of Gluten

Sophia Coad
Fresh gluten-free bread coming out of the oven

When you’re living gluten-free you know to stay away from the obvious – wheat. However there are also grains like rye, spelt, barley and triticale (a wheat/rye hybrid) that also contain gluten!

We’ve put together a list of surprising lesser-known sources of gluten to keep an eye out for!


Some Sources of Gluten You May Find Surprising


Wheat is a wider term for grasses that are cultivated into grains. The main variations of wheat to watch for include:

  • Spelt

  • Semolina

  • Farina

  • Farro

  • Graham


Malt is any grain that has been soaked in water to germinate. On an ingredient list, malt can come in different variations, which all contain gluten. These include malt vinegar, malted milk, malt syrup, malt flavouring, malt extract... etc.

Other Grains

There are other grains that contain the gluten protein such as:

  • Rye

  • Barley

  • Triticale


In Summary

Bowls of a variation of seeds, grains and beans

Because gluten is a protein, there are many grains and variations of wheat that include gluten. Always read food labels and watch for gluten-free certifications to be safe. Our hope is that this helps you in your journey to living gluten-free!

For more info and to stay up to date on everything gluten-free, be sure to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on our socials!


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